Friday, February 15, 2008

Letter From A Tortured Soul

Dear You,
For years I have set back and watched you. Silently at first but every now and then I would step in and whisper "that ain't right". Sometimes it seemed that you would listen because you would do a 360 on whatever crap that was cooking up. Look at you now. Sitting there contemplating on doing what. Don't you know that you are better than that. You used to be so happy so full of ambition. And it is not fair for you to say that it is all him. Yeah he didn't love you how he should, but did you ever love yourself how you should. People are bound to make mistakes, especially when it is not their feelings involved. But you allowed that. Don't you see that you should be more mad at yourself than him? What gives you the right to think that he HAS to give you unconditional love? What gives you the right to demand that from someone, but not require that of yourself. I don't know what else to tell you besides that you are beautiful and you can love yourself how you claim you want it. I want you to get off the floor, drop the razor blade, and wipe your eyes. Stand in the mirror and know that tomorrow is a new day. No matter how cold or rainy it is still beautiful because you are still breathing it. Relish in the funk of the smog, stand near the trash and inhale, go to the swamps and swim with the smut. Things that you despise or the things that the dead wish they had. Love you, for you and never let anyone else take that from you. I am always with you, because I am you. Your tears are mine, your pain I share. But we can also share happiness, and instead of tears when can feel the warmth of a smile. Appreciate me, for I am always with you even in death.


CHA CHA said...

Awesome, you did that!

Tyhitia Green said...

Good stuff. I'll definitely be back! :*)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i aint never wanted to kill myself, but i do crave unconditional love

Mizrepresent said...

Wonderful lady! Bravo! Love YOU!

Don said...

Whats the story behind these touching words, Lea?

Don said...

i guess no rely then...

oh yeah i am still awaiting the email ...

Lindah said...

Hope he knows...

Sweetamazon:) said...

I was browsin through the site and stumbled on ur blog, u r a great writer and i wish express to you, how much this piece stop to me

A Beautifulstruggle said...

Preach ma, inside of us all is a small piece of a tortured soul screaming to be revealed but its up to us to stay in control of the weak, bad, and ugly.
